My wife has an amazing character trait that I just can't seem to emulate. She writes in her blog regularly.
That's not her only amazing trait, mind you, but its the one on my mind today. I don't know what it is, but I have a hard time writing on this blog unless I feel like I have something important or profound to say. This post is an exception to the rule since it is simply a blog post about my inability to write blog posts.
At various points of the average day, I do have profound thoughts...ones worthy of sharing with others. But by the time I have an opportunity to sit down before a keyboard and transfer those thoughts into words, POOF, it's gone. So instead I write nothing at all.
Perhaps its the title of my blog...What's Buggin' Curtie...that puts too much pressure on me to only blog when things are "buggin" me. So I've decided, as part of my New Years Resolutions, that I'm not going to let the title stop me from writing regularly as a way to keep my brain active. There's almost no chance that many of these posts will be interesting, but what the heck.
I kind of like how Rhonda's posts are not centered on a specific topic, like the ones I've written in the past, but have different categories (what I read, what I watched, etc). So maybe that's an approach to take for me moving forward. I'm sure there will be royalties to pay for stealing her idea, so I will modify it just enough that I can't be accused of thievery.
The Weekend
We had a great weekend with the Roberts' kids. I have to admit...I was a bit nervous about it. Why? Because we hadn't spent a lot of time around them in at least a couple of years, and I was worried that they had changed enough (grown up that is) that it would be awkward. I need not have feared! Zach and Hannah are just slightly older versions of the kids that I spent so much time around during some of the best years of our lives. Yes, Zach's voice has dropped an octive (and he's now taller than me, although that's not considered an Olympian feat). But he's still the same kid I knew, and he still laughs at almost everything that comes out of my mouth. Hannah is still the quiet one, the observer, who only occasionally allows herself to crack a smile or a chuckle at her godparent's silliness. And David....well, he's one of the most clever 7 year old's I've ever seen.
I have to hand it to Brett and Trish. They are obviously amazing parents. I'm especially proud of Brett, who is one of the most patient and giving fathers I have ever known. He's managed (with Trish's help of course) to transition his two children through a stunning tragedy of five years ago and somehow bring they out the other side stronger than before. I hope we get to spend more time around them moving forward.
The Week Ahead
This should be a fairly uneventful week in the Dean home. While Rhonda spends her evenings working on coursework, I plan to start the painful process of sorting through tax documents. Piles of Music Man Productions receipts await my attention. Every year I start the process determined to hand the materials to the accountant on or before February 1st, and every year I fail miserably. Here's hoping I can stick to that plan better this year.
The end of the week will see a return to the classroom to teach "Dealing With The Media". I'm teaching it in the Omaha area on Saturday, and Rhonda and I are turning it into a weekend away. It sounds like Saturday night will be a "girls thing" with Joan and Keetah. Maybe they'll let me join in their reindeer games. If not, I'll curl up with the Nook and read "Steve Jobs" that I just downloaded over the weekend.