Thursday, December 29, 2011

The So-Called "Light Bulb Ban"

What's Buggin' Curtie...light bulbs.

If I hear one more person complain about the "light bulb ban", I'm going to scream.

Yes, its true that on January 1, 2012 a new law takes effect that general purpose light bulbs that today put out light equivalent to a 100-watt incandescent lamp use no more than 72-watts of electricity.  Yes, that means that eventually you won't be able to pick up a 100-watt "Thomas Edison" light bulb at your local Menards.

But there has been SO MUCH distortion from people, mainly on the far right, who equate the new efficiency standards to some denial of our essential rights as Americans.  So here are some facts:

FACT:  The law that includes the new light bulb energy efficiency standards, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, was approved by bi-partisan margins in both the House (314-100) and Senate (86-8) and signed by President George W. Bush.  It is NOT some socialist conspiracy, unless you consider W a socialist.  And it's certainly not "Obama taking away our light bulbs!"

FACT:  Incandescent light bulbs are not banned.  ANY technology that can meet the efficiency standards can continue to be manufactured and sold...including incandescents.  Most people think they are going to be forced into replacing their beloved Edisons with CFL's, but they won't.  First of all, the ban only affects 100 watt light bulbs in 2012, and even then they will continue to be on store shelves until they are out of inventory.  Secondly, you can buy an incandescent light bulb that looks EXACTLY like your old favorite but only uses 72 watts.  It's called a halogen lamp, and it produces the same amount of light as the old standby.

FACT:  You can continue to buy old fashioned Tom Edison light bulbs during 2012 (75-watt and 60-watt) and 2013 (60-watt).  After that, smaller lamps such as 40-watt bulbs will still be on sale, and specialty bulbs will also still be available.

This is not government taking something away from you, this is government enforcing standards designed to help save energy and the environment.  There's a reason why you can't buy a car that gets 10 miles per gallon anymore...because fuel efficiency standards mandated it.  There's a reason why you can't shoot ducks with lead shot anymore...environmental standards mandated it.  It's called progress people.

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